Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Squeezing in a nervous breakdown

I'm freaking out! Can the panic attack be far behind?

OK, perhaps I am exaggerating, but I'm definitely feeling a higher level of anxiety than I have grown accustomed to experiencing.

For people who have known me for most of a adult and professional life, this would wound a bit odd. I used to be one of those Type A folks. Long hours, long days, always pressing. That was my story.

It worked pretty well in California.

But for the last three years, I've been living life at a slower pace at work and at home. I got pretty good at saying no to optional obligations, personally and professionally.

But the pace has picked up lately. I've got stuff going on. And I'm not used to it. I have recently started keeping a calendar again. When I started doing it, it seemed like a bit of a joke, since most of the days were blank. A lot of them still are, but having some filled-in dates, and some travel plans on top of it, has got me a bit nervous.

If my old friends could only see me now. I used to be busy being busy. Now, I've been busy being a bum. It's damn tough to go back again.

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Photo J: Capturing the Moment