Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bring back show and tell?

I will, no doubt, draw scorn for this, but I just can't get the thought out of my head.

I've been seeing all these women on Facebook posting colors today, to signify their bra color in an effort to increase breast cancer awareness. There can't be enough awareness of the issue as far as I'm concerned. I hope my daughter and the women in her family never have to face that threat. I lost an aunt to breast cancer and have a friend who had quite an ordeal fighting that disease just a year or so ago.

But, try as I might to squelch it in certain company, I'm still a guy. And I had a thought.

Wouldn't the whole Facebook color status post thing be a lot more interesting if the women posting their colors also posted a picture as proof? There could be some real creativity demonstrated in the self portraits that came out of that exercise. How much to show. How much not to show. Maybe some abstracts. Fabric and lace. Maybe a hint of flesh. It could be pretty cool, don't you think?

On second thought I have too many relatives on Facebook now. I don't need, or want, to see their bras. That would just be creepy.

But all non-relatives, feel free to take part.


Unknown said...

Good save with the great tag line!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I have been wanting to show off the new set.

Photo J: Capturing the Moment