I had decided to go to the college visitation when I got an e-mail at work about the conference, so I decided maybe I would try to participate in that too while I was in town and on campus. I figured it would allow me to show my interest and support, without subjecting my daughter to having to endure both parents tagging along all day.
Sounded like a good idea to me. But I'm paying the price now. I'm exhausted from crisscrossing the campus all day long to meet up with family for some things then attend some sessions of the conference. I'm tired, but it's a good tired.
And, truth be told, I'm also proud of the fact that one of the reasons Suzanna wanted to visit the University of Oregon campus is that she may be interested in studying journalism at the U of O. There's enough pride that I could even handle my daughter being a Duck, no matter what she decides to study. That's a little tough for an Oregon State Beaver to admit. But the reality is Oregon State can't compete as a training ground for journalists. Maybe it never could, but there are many OSU alumni who have, or still are, skilled journalists out there. But we are becoming a rarer breed, as the journalism department at OSU was shuttered a few years after I earned my degree there. You can't even get the degree I got at Oregon State anymore.
Regardless of where Suzanna goes to school, or what she decides to study, I am getting excited for her, planning for college and planning for her future. Maybe it's because college was such a great adventure for me and a voyage of self discovery about so many things. It wasn't just getting the education and the skills needed to start a career. I found myself in college and was introduced to a wider world of people, options and opportunities that I didn't even know existed. Just being on the U of O campus today, with its red brick buildings, grass-lined paths and colored leaves floating to the ground, I was reminded of many of my college experiences. I hope she has a great college experience with many fond memories that last her a lifetime. I know I'm not yet ready for her to be grown up and all on her own, but I am so proud of the young woman she has become.
As we walked through the Duck Store at the end of the day, I realized that may there is room in the wardrobe for some non-Beaver collegiate logo apparel in my wardrobe. Maybe, I could wear something that identifies me as a Duck dad.

As I was walking back to my truck I caught myself daydreaming about attending a Civil War football game with my daughter some fall day in the not-too-distant future. Maybe it could happen. I could handle a Duck daughter, as long as she can handle her college friends seeing me in my Beaver gear walking beside her over the Autzen Bridge.
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