Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dreaming of sunshine, blue waters and blogging bliss

I've made a big decision. I've decided to quit my job. I'm moving to Phoenix and becoming a pool boy and professional blogger.

April Fools'!

OK, so I know I probably didn't fool anyone. Anyone who knows me would know I'd never do any job that requires manual labor, even if it is only fetching towels, and I don't blog often enough to be a full-time blogger.

I've never been any good any good at coming up with clever April Fools' jokes. It's not one of my talents. I think part of the problem is that I can't sell the joke because I'm a terrible liar.

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't qualify for sainthood. It's not that I don't fib, or stretch the truth or tell a whopper from time to time. But, I'm must not good at looking someone in the eye when I do it. The lie is painted all over my face.

That's not a good trait for pulling off the gag.

So any and all attempts at pulling an April Fools' joke always had to be quick, before my face cracked or my transparent acting skills were exposed.

One thing I've never figured out though is the tradition of an April Fools' edition for a new publication. I admire the talent, like this piece from The Guardian, but if you are a news outlet, do you really want to be good at publishing a piece of fiction in your publication and "fooling" people?

I hope you have a great April Fools' day and don't get fooled too much, or by anyone with a sense of humor that is too cruel. It's always much better to be the fooler than the fool.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

With a little emendation, Robert Frost could have immortalized the grandest April Fool's trick ever:

Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, and I`ll forgive Thy great big joke on me

Photo J: Capturing the Moment