Thursday, January 24, 2008

The kindest kind of crush

I saw a woman today in the lobby of my office. She was sitting in the reception area. I don't know why she was there. I didn’t know her, but she reminded me of someone I once knew.

A name and a face flashed into my mind. The name of the woman the mysterious visitor reminded me of was Kim. I haven't seen, or thought of, Kim in many years.

Kim was the source of my infatuation in junior high. She may have been my first real crush, if you don't count the one I had on my teacher in second grade. This crush was different. At a time of adolescent awakening, this one came with all sorts of odd, tingly feelings I couldn't explain.

Seeing Kim made me happy. It made me feel all warm and weird and wonderful.

Like all first lusts, the relationship was doomed from the start. Kim didn't feel the same feelings I did, if memory serves. She eventually changed schools and we went our separate ways.

I had not thought about Kim in many, many years. But seeing that woman today brought that name, and that face, to mind with a burst of synapses. It was like the name exploded in my head with a load bang. It shocked me. And it made me smile. Thanks mysterious stranger. And thanks Kim, wherever you are.

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Photo J: Capturing the Moment